Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Blake Fleming - Gigs in NYC This Week

Check out my pal Blake Fleming in three gigs coming up in the next week; there's a good chance I'll be at at least one of them. He's an amazing drummer - one of the best I've ever ever seen live in my life. I'm proud to say that I know the dude. He used to be in the Dazzling Killmen with Tim Garrigan.

From a MySpace bulletin I received:

Hey Everybody,

I have 3 cool shows coming up. Two with The Ropes, and one the debut show of The Rollo Treadway (David Sandholm's Brian Wilsonesque children's nightmare songs).

It's all happening this Saturday & Monday, here are the details:

-Sat, 10/6, The Ropes @ Pianos, 158 Ludlow Street (at Stanton St), 9:30 p.m.

-Mon, 10/8, The Rollo Treadway @ Trash Bar, 256 Grand Street (btwn Driggs and Roebling), 9 p.m.

Same night! Just a few blocks away...
-Mon, 10/8, The Ropes @ Spike Hill, 184 Bedford Avenue (btwn N. 6th & N. 7th), 11 p.m.


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