Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Mother and Daughter

Mother and Daughter
Originally uploaded by Billychic.
Just a brief note: I recently downloaded a bunch of Flickr pics of my niece's birthday party and a July 4th bbq I had last month...and I am just amazed at how beautiful my sister-in-law and niece are...

I am blessed to have such wonderful family.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.


Blogger Billychic said...

Good point - that could very well have been the case; siblings are funny like that with each other, but then again, so are people in general.

No, actually, my brothers and I are getting along great and I have genuine affection and love for my sister-in-law and their children. I adore being an auntie, and my sis-in-law has become the same as a sister and a friend.

However, had I posted the pic of him with the sombrero eating cotton candy from the same set, there might be words...and I'm not past being a naughty little sister...hehehe

9:40 AM  

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