Monday, March 27, 2006

Danah Boyd: Why MySpace Worked, Friendster Failed, and Why We Should Beware of Censorship

Danah Boyd at has written an interesting article/blog entry on the marketing perspective of MySpace vs. Friendster, and why the latter became such a joke compared to the former...and how if people don't start chilling out with the whole "Moral Outrage" that they are having over MySpace, it will be a step back for the Web as a whole - mainly, our rights.

You can see the article HERE

Check it out...definitely interesting. And a good way to point out an argument to all the people who have no idea what the fuck they are talking about when they see a news report about a sexual predator on MySpace and assume that the whole site needs to be taken down.

Um...with all the millions of people on here, there are going to be some lunatics...same way there are probably one or two living on your block.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Tech Roundup: MOBBER

If you have a website or a blog, a cool thing that you can put on your page is a link and passage into Mobber, a groovy little chat thingie that shows you who is on your site and when...

It's kind of groovy. I just joined it and was chatting with this dude in spain for a few minutes...I found it on a cool site, , very neat. check it out...

okay, back to work...
join the mobber thing and then add it to your site or blog (they can't do myspace right now, myspace doesn't support the code) if you have a blog on blogger or wherever...or a website. Once I get my websites fixed, then I'll be putting it on those.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Morrie Sinkins - Hit & Run Victim

...Is a friend of mine that was hit by a truck in Manhattan on Tuesday in the early evening. There is no police report. I'm assuming there was a witness, because the doctors know she was hit by a truck, but she was a Jane Doe, lying in the ER getting surgery in intensive care, her skull cracked open like a fucking watermelon. Where that witness is now, God only knows. Maybe it was the person who ran her over.

This must have happened somewhere in the village or chelsea, for she was taken to St. Vincent's hospital. I visited her there yesterday. She's out; I thought it was a coma, but they put her out to keep her from moving. She has huge staples all through her head, everywhere, like fucking train tracks. I brought her a small, stuffed pink dog.

Her mother and brother flew in from Canada. The police have not helped at all - they refused to file a missing persons report despite the fact that friends and family were concerned that someone with meticulous habits of getting back to everyone and their mother when they get calls and not standing people up when they have appointments suddenly never showed for work, never called anyone back, and never met with friends for scheduled dinner dates.

After two fucking days as a Jane Doe, the hospital thought to click through her cell phone to call people she might know...gee, ya think that would have been a good idea to do right off the bat? I wonder where her purse is...maybe with the motherfucker who ran her over, who may very well have friends in high places if NO POLICE REPORT WAS FILED and no one even taped off the street. You have a woman plowed down by a fucking truck and NO COPS do anything?

If anyone knows anything, please contact someone at St. Vincent's or something... hell, leave an anonymous tip with ME, for chrissake.

They don't know if Morrie is going to make it. I'm praying...this is the 2nd person in the theatre company to get hit by an oncoming vehicle - thank God Jack made it through okay...although 25 operations and limited mobility and not knowing if he'll ever walk the way he once could is not really okay. At least he's alive, and at least he's walking...

God Bless you, Morrie.

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