I'm Seeing Willie Nelson Tonight!!!

And I'm eternally stoked. He's playing at Radio City Music Hall, and Jakob Dylan is opening up for him. When I first started playing guitar at age 9 (long story for another post) the book of tunes my folks got me was "Kris Kristofferson's Sunlight and Shadows. The also included a record for my turntable of "Willie Nelson Sings Kris Kristofferson."
Needless to say, Willie's (and Kris') music has been an important part of my life growing up...and you gotta hand it to a guy touring in his mid-70's with a beat-up guitar, who promotes marijuana use and just seems to be about the kindest cat you'd ever want to meet.
With all the crap: my cat dying, my relationship ending, and my feeling really like the the earth is about to swallow me whole, I can't think of anything better to do than pay way too much for a bottle of Bud and sit and listen to Willie. Jakob is a cutie and that should be fun, too.
I'm going by myself, which shouldn't be a surprise to those who really know me...
I shall start doing the Voodoo Jive Song of the Day again very soon - and Willie will be the first one. I made this as much of a music/mp3 blog as it is a NYC blog...as it is just a blog about my life. I have let it go, but I think I have to grab my strength back through writing and sharing what I love: music, goings on in NYC, and just the general bullshit that I find myself going through every day. I gotta say: my life is interesting, to say the least.
I can't WAIT to see Willie.
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