The Fab Marquee: A Theatre Site With Class and Pizazz!

Just to let you know, I've been asked to be a contributor for The Fab Marquee and I'm very excited about this opportunity. I sometimes do reviews of various entertainment venues on here on Voodoo Jive - usually it's music or sometimes places to go/eat or in NYC; I haven't done a theatre review on Voodoo Jive in...well, hell, I don't know when. Which is ironic since I'm immersed in the NYC theatre world it seems now...and have been immersed in the entertainment industry to some extent my whole life through my family.
Please stop by The Fab Marquee - it is run by amazing people, one of whom is an incredible whirlwind of energy in the PR industry, Antonio Miniño; another is a fabulous playwright who recently wrote the smash hit "Anaïs Nin Goes to Hell" produced by their theatre company, MTWorks. It includes several talented writers.
I'm so very thrilled to be asked to come on board as a theatre reviewer for their site, which is already considered to be an important place to see works reviewed and latest news on the pulse of NYC Theatre Scene. Please stop by, and check it out! I have just started, so as of this post, I only have one review on there, but will be reviewing two shows I saw this past week that will be coming up this week. I hope you'll come by and make comments (like how AWESOME I am) and enjoy the site as a whole.
aka Billychic
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