Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A New Word I Learned Today

During my weekly excursion of Defamer.com I was reading their post about the Sopranos Show Finale. As usual, it was hilarious and entertaining. What I am coming to appreciate more and more, though, are the commenters, some of whom are as amusing as Lisanti and Abramovitch.

One of the commenters, Everybody Likes Pandas used the word Craptastico.

I love that word. I laughed out loud. I think that's going to be a new word for me. That and maybe it's mate, craptastic. Yeah...I think I'll start using them to describe a few of the new people and things that I'm experiencing in my life lately.

Yeah. To quote the commercial for the new Ani Mondays Animation on Scifi: It's Just a Steaming Pile of Awesome!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah....makes me want to go down to the crapiteria, get a cup of crappicino....and heap my tray up with a hot, steaming pile of awesome. lol


11:10 PM  

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